Servants Sports Ministry
Serving At-Risk Families through Sport and Play
Servants, Inc. partners with Henry Odong of Baseball Without Borders to host a Sports Ministry mission outreach program in Lugazi, Uganda. Henry Odong was introduced to baseball by American missionaries in Uganda. He became the first pitcher in history of the Ugandan National Baseball Team. When Uganda made their debut in the 1999 All Africa Games, Odong was on the mound. After retiring, Odong began coaching and creating baseball development programs in Lugazi, Uganda. Under Odong's coaching, Uganda sent the first African team to ever gain entry into the Little League World Series in 2012. Odong continues to champion baseball and share his love of Jesus Christ throughout Uganda.
Servants' team leader, Lisa Sica took her first mission trip to Guatemala in July of 2016. Since then, she has led several international trips, and also organizes trips domestically in response to national disasters. Lisa has a PhD in Business Administration and is a certified ICISM Trainer and Trauma Healing Facilitator. She has recently completed Level 2 certification of ReadySetGo sports ministry and is very excited to continue leading teams of people ready to minister to the world through sport and play.
Are you interested in joining in on
a Sports Ministry Mission Trip to Uganda?
By joining us on this journey, you are committing to more than simply visiting another country. You will commit to attend and participate in weeks of preparation, as well as submitting to the authority of your team leader and local hosts. Further, you will commit to stewarding the experience well, making your use of God's resources on this trip count for lasting change in your own life, attitudes, and behaviors. Following the trip, you agree to set concrete goals for how we might continue to support God's work of mission and poverty alleviation, encourage one another, and hold each other accountable to pursuing these goals.
If you are ready for this life-changing commitment, click the link below to get more information about how you can join us on our next Sports Ministry Mission Trip.